Managed Install

We have bundled installation, training and support to provide a secure and stable A2Billing Class 5 softswitch with inline billing to allow telecoms companies to quickly enter the telecoms market with a range of VoIP, Calling Card, DID Resale and Call-back telecoms products.

You Provide:

  • A suitable server on a public IP address installed with Ubuntu LTS

We Supply:

  • Secure and stable installation usually within one working day of payment.
  • Basic training video and documentation, one hour in duration which shows, click by click, how to set up your A2Billing class 5 softswitch.
  • 8 hours deployment support over the first month including:
    • Assisting you with product design and development.
    • Help to build the services, rate tables and billing.
    • Teach you how to build new services.
    • Maintenance and Management of A2Billing.
    • Introductions, where appropriate to carriers, DID suppliers, and other value added services.


The cost is €1000 Euro, purchase via Paypal below. Alternatively, email us at [email protected] or get in touch by phone via the numbers listed at to discuss your deployment and for other payment options


We can provide dedicated servers both in Europe and the USA suitable for A2Billing, see for more details.